New insights into placebo effect

(—Mathematical models developed by scientists at the University of Bristol are providing new insights into why the placebo effect exists and when it should occur. Their research is published today in the journal ...

Brain scanner, not joystick, is in human-robot future

( -- Talk about fMRI may not be entirely familiar to many people, but that could change with new events that are highlighting efforts to link up humans and machines. fMRI (Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is ...

Controlling monkey brains and behavior with light

Researchers reporting online on July 26 in Current Biology have for the first time shown that they can control the behavior of monkeys by using pulses of blue light to very specifically activate particular brain cells. The ...

What evolved first—a dexterous hand or an agile foot?

Resolving a long-standing mystery in human evolution, new research from the RIKEN Brain Science Institute indicates that early hominids developed finger dexterity and tool use ability before the development of bipedal locomotion.

Like humans, chimps are born with immature forebrains

In both chimpanzees and humans, portions of the brain that are critical for complex cognitive functions, including decision-making, self-awareness and creativity, are immature at birth. But there are important differences, ...

Brain to robot: "move, please"

Using the power of thought to control a robot that helps to move a paralysed hand: a project from the ETH Rehabilitation Engineering Laboratory could fundamentally change the therapy and daily lives of stroke patients.

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