The early bird catches the sperm

Getting up later in the morning might gain you more sleep, but it could mean you end up fathering fewer offspring—at least if you are a songbird called the great tit. Ecologists from the United States and Germany have discovered ...

And the beat goes on: The reliable heartbeat of hibernators

At the current temperatures, all hibernators have probably emerged from their winter hibernation and are enjoying the warm weather. However, this is quite different during the cold season. Many small mammals such as marmots, ...

Researchers examine environmental stress in migratory birds

(—Small migratory male birds that winter in a stressful environment age faster than those that winter in a high-quality habitat, according to research stemming from a collaborative National Science Foundation grant ...

Orsini's viper: Growth or reproduction?

Orsini's viper, a rare and protected species at risk of extinction in France, has an original reproductive strategy. In alternate years, it switches between reproductive and non-reproductive behavior. This strategy has recently ...

Grasshoppers change their tune to stay tuned over traffic noise

Grasshoppers are having to change their song – one of the iconic sounds of summer – to make themselves heard above the din of road traffic, ecologists have discovered. The study, published in the British Ecological Society's ...

Common fungicide wreaks havoc on freshwater ecosystems

Chlorothalonil, one of the world's most common fungicides used pervasively on food crops and golf courses, was lethal to a wide variety of freshwater organisms in a new study, University of South Florida researchers said ...

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