Electric car switch on for health benefits

Could the health benefits and reduced costs to healthcare systems be enough to justify subsidizing charging infrastructure to allow society to switch from the internal combustion engine to electric vehicles faster than current ...

Ten years on, US recalls Columbia shuttle disaster

With somber ceremonies, the United States on Friday commemorated the loss of the space shuttle Columbia and its seven-member crew on the tenth anniversary of the disaster.

US space shuttle unharmed after tool accident

Inspectors found no damage to the Space Shuttle Discovery or to its external reserve tanks after a thin multi-piece measuring tool fell during repair work, NASA said Thursday.

Hydrogen mobility from clean energy gaining momentum in Europe

Although the mass roll-out of fuel cell electric vehicles is still years away, efforts to make hydrogen-powered cars mainstream have intensified in recent years. With Europe's ambitions to become a leader in zero-emission ...

Alternative Energy Crops in Space

(PhysOrg.com) -- What if space held the key to producing alternative energy crops on Earth? That's what researchers are hoping to find in a new experiment on the International Space Station.

How the chemical industry can meet the climate goals

ETH researchers analyzed various possibilities for reducing the net CO2 emissions of the chemical industry to zero. Their conclusion? The chemical industry can in fact have a carbon-neutral future.

Massive hydroelectric project faces test in Chile

A $3.2 billion hydroelectric project billed as key to satisfying Chile's growing energy needs faces a major hurdle Monday as an environmental panel decides whether or not to give it the green light.

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