Further delay for final Discovery launch

NASA said Thursday it had again postponed the launch of the space shuttle Discovery, already pushed back to February, to an undetermined date to allow more time for repairs.

NASA fuels shuttle Discovery in test for cracks

(AP) -- NASA fueled space shuttle Discovery at the launch pad Friday, not for flight but rather for testing to understand the mysterious cracking that occurred last month.

NASA postpones Discovery launch to mid-December

NASA on Wednesday postponed until mid-December the launch of the space shuttle Discovery on its last trip to the International Space Station after cracks were found in its external fuel tank.

Hydrogen causes metal to break

Hydrogen is considered the fuel of the future. Yet this lightest of the chemical elements can embrittle the metals used in vehicle engineering. The result: components suddenly malfunction and break. A new special laboratory ...

Space center abuzz over Atlantis' last launch

(AP) -- NASA is getting hit up for extra launch passes, and mission stickers and pins are flying off the shelf. Another Twittering crowd is descending on the space center. Even science fiction writers want in on the action.

Astronauts inspect shuttle on way to space station

(AP) -- Endeavour's astronauts inspected their ship early Tuesday for any launch damage as they raced toward a 200-mile-high rendezvous with the International Space Station.

Shuttle steers closer to space station for hookup

(AP) -- Space shuttle Discovery's astronauts steered closer to the international space station for a Sunday linkup, while checking their ship for any signs of launch damage.

Discovery valve working, countdown to resume

Initial testing on a malfunctioning valve that grounded the space shuttle Discovery is encouraging and countdown will resume Thursday ahead of the next launch attempt, NASA said.

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