One in three cars in Sweden could run on biofuels by 2030

By 2030 Sweden could increase its production of biofuels to cover just over a third of automotive fuel used by its transport sector today, a move that would mean a ten-fold increase on the current in-country production. Forest-sourced ...

Links in the chain: Global carbon emissions and consumption

It is difficult to measure accurately each nation's contribution of carbon dioxide to the Earth's atmosphere. Carbon is extracted out of the ground as coal, gas, and oil, and these fuels are often exported to other countries ...

Added power for airplane galleys

The galleys inside airliners voraciously consume power - a vital yet limited resource in a plane. Additional power units may soon come to the rescue: housed inside trolley carts in the galleys, these units deliver both supplemental ...

Study outlines supply chain challenges for lithium future

(—As demand increases for lithium, the essential element in batteries for everything from cameras to automobiles, a researcher at Missouri University of Science and Technology is studying potential disruptions ...

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