Advancing biocrop alternatives in the Pacific Northwest

Pacific Northwest farmers could someday be filling up their machinery's tanks with fuels produced from their own fields, according to ongoing research by U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) scientists.

Study estimates land available for biofuel crops

Using detailed land analysis, Illinois researchers have found that biofuel crops cultivated on available land could produce up to half of the world's current fuel consumption – without affecting food crops or pastureland.

How heating our homes could help reduce climate change

( -- A radical new heating system where homes would be heated by district centres rather than in individual households could dramatically cut the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions.

WSU led Bio-Jet fuel project officially gets off the ground

A major Washington State University effort to develop aviation bio-fuel is underway with the announcement of a strategic initiative called the "Sustainable Aviation Fuels Northwest" project; the first of its kind in the U.S. ...

Cover crop mulches tested for no-till organic onions

Conservation tillage encompasses a range of techniques for establishing crops in the previous crop's residues, which are purposely left on the soil surface. The principal benefits of conservation tillage are improved water ...

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