Study: Unexpected microbes fighting harmful greenhouse gas

The environment has a more formidable opponent than carbon dioxide. Another greenhouse gas, nitrous oxide, is 300 times more potent and also destroys the ozone layer each time it is released into the atmosphere through agricultural ...

Climate chemistry and the tropics

(—New models are being developed to predict how changing land use in the tropics could affect future climate, air quality and crop production.

Cheaper, cleaner catalyst for burning methane created

As the world's accessible oil reserves dwindle, natural gas has become an increasing important energy source. The primary component of natural gas is methane, which has the advantage of releasing less carbon dioxide when ...

Researchers create carbon dioxide-separating polymer

( -- Carbon dioxide is the primary greenhouse gas emitted through human activities, such as the combustion of fossil fuels for energy and transportation, and it is widely accepted that it is one of the primary greenhouse ...

To extinguish a hot flame, DARPA studied cold plasma

DARPA theorized that by using physics techniques rather than combustion chemistry, it might be possible to manipulate and extinguish flames. To achieve this, new research was required to understand and quantify the interaction ...

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