Using insects to test for drug safety

Insects, such as some moths and fruit flies, react to microbial infection in the same way as mammals and so can be used to test the efficiency of new drugs, thereby reducing the need for animal testing. Dr Kevin Kavanagh ...

Scientists uncover role for cell scaffold in tumor formation

A group of scientists at the Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciencia, in Portugal, have uncovered a surprising link between the cell's skeleton and organ size. The team, led by Florence Janody, show in the journal Development, that ...

Finding Nematostella: An ancient sea creature

A study of tentacle-formation in a sea anemone shows how epithelial cells form elongated structures and puts the spotlight on a new model organism.

Mothers use sex pheromones to veil eggs, preventing cannibalism

Species that lay eggs but don't actively keep watch over them often protect their precious eggs from predators by laying them in communal groups or by fortifying them with toxins. However, protecting these eggs from being ...

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