Mars has belts of glaciers consisting of frozen water

Mars has distinct polar ice caps, but Mars also has belts of glaciers at its central latitudes in both the southern and northern hemispheres. A thick layer of dust covers the glaciers, so they appear as surface of the ground, ...

Arctic lakes are vanishing in surprise climate finding

The Arctic is no stranger to loss. As the region warms nearly four times faster than the rest of the world, glaciers collapse, wildlife suffers and habitats continue to disappear at a record pace.

A fascinating 'new' planet

NASA has recently discovered a very strange planet.  Its days are twice as long as its years.  It has a tail like a comet. It is hot enough to melt lead, yet capped by deposits of ice. And to top it all off ... it appears ...

Scientists address the imbalance of the 'Asian Water Tower'

The Third Pole, which is centered on the Tibetan Plateau, stores most of the frozen water in the world after the Antarctic and Arctic. As a reliable water supply for almost 2 billion people, it has become known as the "Asian ...

Catastrophic collapse of ice lake created Aram Chaos on Mars

Aram Chaos, the lumpy, bumpy floor of an ancient impact crater on Mars, formed as a result of catastrophic melting and outflow of a buried ice lake. A new study combines observations from satellite photos of the 280 kilometre ...

Scientists confirms liquid-liquid phase transition in silicon

Using rigorous computer calculations, researchers from Carnegie Mellon University and the Carnegie Institution of Washington have established evidence that supercooled silicon experiences a liquid-liquid phase transition, ...

Rosetta: OSIRIS detects hints of ice in the comet's neck

The Hapi region on the neck of Rosetta's comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko reflects red light less effectively than most other regions on the comet. It thus appears slightly blueish. The Hapi region is located between the comet's ...

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