Image: Frosty gullies on the northern plains of Mars

Seasonal frost commonly forms at middle and high latitudes on Mars, much like winter snow on Earth. However, on Mars most frost is carbon dioxide (dry ice) rather than water ice. This frost appears to cause surface activity, ...

NASA image: Frosty slopes on Mars

This image of an area on the surface of Mars, approximately 1.5 by 3 kilometers in size, shows frosted gullies on a south-facing slope within a crater.

Arctic sea ice helps remove CO2 from the atmosphere

Climate change is a fact, and most of the warming is caused by human activity. The Arctic is now so warm that the extent of sea ice has decreased by about 30 pct. in summer and in winter, sea ice is getting thinner. New research ...

Charitum Montes: A cratered winter wonderland

(—The high-resolution stereo camera on ESA's Mars Express imaged the Charitum Montes region of the Red Planet on 18 June, near to Gale crater and the Argyre basin featured in our October and November image releases.

Out in the cold: Enhancing frost tolerance in wheat

Rugging up against winter chills is a cozy and easy option for most of us. But our crops are facing frosts and freezing temperatures without the warmth of winter woolies. Frost poses a significant threat to agriculture, particularly ...

Can flaming torches really save a vineyard from frost?

There are many things that a vintner can control—where to establish a vineyard, which varieties to plant, when to apply water and fertilizer. But the weather is not one of them. Earlier this year, EUR 2bn worth of wine ...

Using machine learning to predict a ground frost

Machine learning can be used to forecast when a geographical region might have a ground frost, according to new work published in the International Journal of Reasoning-based Intelligent Systems. Weather forecasting for a ...

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