Wolves of the wilderness are calling. Will your dog answer?

Researchers of the Department of Ethology, Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) have been investigating dogs' reactions to wolf howls. Are there dogs that are more prone to reply with howling? Are these dogs genetically closer ...

Canceling plans with a friend? Research says don't lie

You've made plans to meet up with a good friend in a few hours, but now all you want to do is go home, change into sweats and binge watch "Game of Thrones." What do you say to your friend? Will they be upset?

Animal friendships are surprisingly like our own

When you think of friendship, what comes to mind? Is it a phone conversation that lasts late into the night? Watching a movie and sharing a pizza? Enjoying some laughs over a beer? Friendship is a central part of the human ...

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