Some lemurs are loners, others crave connection

If lemurs were on Facebook, Fern would have oodles of friends, liking and commenting on their posts. Captain Lee, on the other hand, would rarely send a friend request.

Facebook improves how blind can "see" images using AI

When Matt King first got on Facebook eight years ago, the blind engineer had to weigh whether it was worth spending an entire Saturday morning checking whether a friend of his was actually in his friend list. Such were the ...

Couple up for long-term happiness

Being married has a lifelong effect on how content people are. This is according to a study in Springer's Journal of Happiness Studies that investigated people's levels of well-being based on their marital status. Using data ...

Facebook launches Facebook Local, with some Yelp-like features

Facebook on Friday launched a new app, Facebook Local. It gives users a single place to find restaurants, bars, cafes and nearby activities but also folds in friends' reviews of the places they might want to go.There are ...

How do Facebook ads target you?

The House Intelligence Committee is preparing to release to the public the 3,000 ads the Russian-based Internet Research Agency bought on Facebook as part of its coordinated disinformation campaign to sway the electorate, ...

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