Quantum friction—beyond the local equilibrium approximation

Systems out of thermodynamic equilibrium are very common in nature. In recent years they have attracted constantly growing attention because of their relevance for fundamental physics as well as for modern nanotechnology. ...

ZnO-coated high-performance bearings developed

A research group consisting of National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS) and Tohoku University developed a coating technique using a zinc oxide (ZnO) material, an environment-friendly, low-friction material developed ...

Bio-inspired tire design: Where the rubber meets the road

The fascination with the ability of geckos to scamper up smooth walls and hang upside down from improbable surfaces has entranced scientists at least as far back as Aristotle, who noted the reptile's remarkable feats in his ...

Ultra-cold atoms may wade through quantum friction

Theoretical physicists studying the behavior of ultra-cold atoms have discovered a new source of friction, dispensing with a century-old paradox in the process. Their prediction, which experimenters may soon try to verify, ...

Leonardo da Vinci—the first systematic study of friction

Friction is immensely important to us – without it, for example, we could not walk or even crawl – yet it is only 50 years since a special word –  'tribology' – was first coined to describe its study.  Professor ...

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