Video: Endangered turtles hatch at the Prospect Park Zoo

Five Chinese big-headed turtles (Platysternon megacephalum) have hatched at the Wildlife Conservation Society's Prospect Park Zoo. Hatched in November, this is the first time the species has successfully reproduced at a zoo ...

Trade protections proposed for four species of turtles

Faced with growing concerns about the hunting of freshwater turtles in the United States for Asian food markets, federal officials this week proposed adding four species to an international list of plants and animals designed ...

Freshwater turtles navigate using the sun

Blanding's turtle hatchlings need only the sun as their compass to guide them on their way to the nearest wetland—and a place of safety. This is according to John Dean Krenz of Minnesota State University in the US, lead ...

Turtles in demand as pets, leading to a spike in poaching

Swimming in two plastic bins inside a brightly lit and sterile quarantine room at a Rhode Island zoo, 16 quarter-sized turtle hatchlings represent a growing worry for conservationist Lou Perrotti.

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