Related topics: water

Sea-level surge at Antarctica linked to icesheet loss

Sea levels around Antarctica have been rising a third faster than the global average, a clear sign of high meltwater runoff from the continent's icesheet, scientists said on Sunday.

Researchers investigate remarkable approach to desalination

Desalination has come a long way, baby. On Aug. 3, some 330 years ago, a certain Captain Gifford of His Majesty's Ship Mermaid, was asked to conduct onboard his 24-gun Royal Naval vessel what may have been the first government-sponsored, ...

New water balance calculation for the Dead Sea

The drinking water resources on the eastern, Jordanian side of the Dead Sea could decline severe as a result of climate change than those on the western, Israeli and Palestinian side. This is the conclusion reached by an ...

Global freshwater conservation gains momentum among UN countries

Thirty-five member countries of the United Nations have now officially agreed to common guidelines for sharing and managing freshwater resources that cross international borders. With Vietnam's ratification, the United Nations ...

National Water Bank proposed in Australia

A leading water scientist has proposed the development of a National Water Bank – a continent-wide replenishment scheme for underground reserves of fresh water – to help safeguard the nation from water scarcities for ...

Space brings fresh water to Morocco

Recycling waste water and urine into drinking water is not only for astronauts – the same method is now treating groundwater for a school in Morocco.

A high-tech solution for detecting bacteria in water

Water quality and safety can never be taken for granted. Every day, millions of tons of inadequately treated sewage, industrial and agricultural wastes are poured into the world's lakes, rivers, and oceans - the equivalent ...

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