Related topics: water

How to best predict chemical reactions of contaminants in water

Turning on the faucet and not getting clean water, or any water at all, is a global issue. Cleaning wastewater could help make more water available. In delving into the nuances of wastewater purification, scientists often ...

Sierra snowpack could drop significantly by end of century

A future warmer world will almost certainly feature a decline in fresh water from the Sierra Nevada mountain snowpack. Now a new study by the Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) that ...

Competition for shrinking groundwater

Groundwater, which has been used to irrigate crops, satiate livestock and quench thirst in general for thousands of years, continues to be a vital resource around the world.

Arctic ice sets speed limit for major ocean current

The Beaufort Gyre is an enormous, 600-mile-wide pool of swirling cold, fresh water in the Arctic Ocean, just north of Alaska and Canada. In the winter, this current is covered by a thick cap of ice. Each summer, as the ice ...

Traditional methods of farming in a dry climate

Forest and brush fires, water shortages and crop failure – these have been the effects of summer 2018 in large parts of Europe. Climate scientists are calling for new agricultural policies, saying farmers need to prepare ...

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