A new method may make tomatoes safer to eat

When vegetable farmers harvest crops, they often rely on postharvest washing to reduce any foodborne pathogens, but a new University of Georgia study shows promise in reducing these pathogens—as well as lowering labor costs— ...

MIT startup wraps food in silk for better shelf life

Benedetto Marelli, assistant professor of civil and environmental engineering at MIT, was a postdoc at Tufts University's Omenetto Lab when he stumbled upon a novel use for silk. Preparing for a lab-wide cooking competition ...

Video: Mars confinement tips

In these times of confinement, ESA astronaut support engineer Romain Charles shares nine tips on how to live in isolation—he spent 520 days locked in a mockup spacecraft and is a true expert on the subject.

COVID-19 is another wake up call for food security

With lockdowns ordered to contain the COVID-19 pandemic—that has reached 183 countries, infected over 1.7 million people and caused over 100,000 deaths—there are fears of food shortages caused by panic buying and supply ...

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