Google enters debate on UN Internet control

Google has jumped into the debate over a UN telecom gathering set to review regulations affecting the Internet, claiming it is "the wrong place" to make decisions about the future of the Web.

EU Parliament rejects ACTA anti-piracy treaty

The European Parliament overwhelmingly defeated an international anti-piracy trade agreement Wednesday after concern that it would limit Internet freedom sparked street protests in cities across Europe.

Hollywood v Silicon Valley in US piracy battle

The anti-piracy battle gripping Washington and the Internet pits two US West Coast power bases directly against each other: Hollywood is taking on Silicon Valley over the right to make money online.

Structural consequences of nanolithography

( -- Users from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the Center for Nanophase Materials Science, working with the X-Ray Microscopy Group, have discovered structural effects accompanying the nanoscale lithography ...

Making complex fluids look simple

An international research team has successfully developed a widely applicable method for discovering the physical foundations of complex fluids for the first time. Researchers at the University of Vienna and University of ...

The search serpent: The next wave in robotics

How does one design a robot that maneuvers in three dimensions and navigates all manner of terrain? Those are the main challenges that Howie Choset at Carnegie Mellon University is attempting to tackle.

Court dismisses challenges to FCC Internet rules

A federal appeals court has dismissed two legal challenges to new Federal Communications Commission regulations that prohibit phone and cable companies from interfering with Internet traffic on their broadband networks.

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