Kerry presses China to ease Internet controls

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said Saturday he urged Chinese leaders to support Internet freedom and promised to look into whether American companies help Beijing curb access to online material.

Technology firms urge changes to US spying (Update)

A coalition of leading U.S. technology firms joined an international protest Tuesday against the U.S. government's spying programs, urging more limits on collections of Americans' electronic data and greater oversight and ...

French bill to expand spying powers is criticized

The French government, which was among the most vocal critics of U.S. spying practices, is now coming under fire for trying to expand its own digital surveillance capabilities.

Secure news tip system offered to media

A US press freedom group announced Tuesday it would be offering news organizations access to an open-source whistleblower submission system dubbed "SecureDrop."

Oil companies frack in waters off California

Companies prospecting for oil off California's coast have used hydraulic fracturing on at least a dozen occasions to force open cracks beneath the seabed, and now regulators are investigating whether the practice should require ...

The smallest puzzle in the world

Three pieces of less than 1 mm in size each may be put together to the probably smallest puzzle in the world. For production, researchers used LIGA2.X, a new process to manufacture microstructured casting molds at KIT's ANKA ...

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