Ohio man given choice of Facebook apology or jail

(AP) -- A man who was threatened with jail time for posting comments about his estranged wife on his personal Facebook page unless he posted daily apologies for a month says the court ruling violates his freedom of speech.

Wage transparency reduces academic gender wage gap

A pair of researchers, one with HEC Paris, Jouy-en-Josas, the other with the University of Utah, has found that when universities make the salaries of employees public, the gap in gender pay disparity shrinks. In their paper ...

Google enters debate on UN Internet control

Google has jumped into the debate over a UN telecom gathering set to review regulations affecting the Internet, claiming it is "the wrong place" to make decisions about the future of the Web.

US Homeland Security sued for drone details

The Electronic Frontier Foundation said Wednesday it has sued the US Department of Homeland Security to obtain details about Predator drones on loan to domestic police departments.

Sexual freedoms of long ago tamed by modern times

It was advent of the private bedroom, modern suburb and social housing, says Dr. Lief Jerram, which tamed a ‘free-for-all’, widespread in many Western cities before the First World War.

Shedding light on untapped information in photons

Conventional optical imaging systems today largely limit themselves to the measurement of light intensity, providing two-dimensional renderings of three-dimensional scenes and ignoring significant amounts of additional information ...

West takes Internet freedom for granted: Google boss

The Internet proved the only true form of free communication during the Arab Spring and yet the West has come to take the freedom it confers for granted, Google boss Eric Schmidt said Friday.

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