Secure news tip system offered to media

A US press freedom group announced Tuesday it would be offering news organizations access to an open-source whistleblower submission system dubbed "SecureDrop."

Twitter challenges US subpoena seeking user data

Twitter is challenging a court order to turn over to law enforcement data on one of its users involved in Occupy Wall Street in a case described by a civil liberties group as a major test of online freedom of speech.

Human Rights Council backs Internet freedom

The UN Human Rights Council (HRC) in Geneva passed its first resolution on Internet freedom on Thursday with a call for all states to support individuals' rights online as much as offline.

EU MPs deal new blow to online piracy pact

A controversial global pact to battle counterfeiting and online piracy was dealt a new setback Thursday as a key European Parliament panel rejected the deal.

Technology firms urge changes to US spying (Update)

A coalition of leading U.S. technology firms joined an international protest Tuesday against the U.S. government's spying programs, urging more limits on collections of Americans' electronic data and greater oversight and ...

Why lockdowns don't necessarily infringe on freedom

Europe is dealing with its "second wave" of COVID-19. And governments seem powerless to stem the tide. Dutch political leaders find it difficult to convince their citizens to wear face masks. A large majority of French voters ...

Video game group files lawsuit over CTA ad rule

(AP) -- A trade group that represents software and video game publishers sued the Chicago Transit Authority on Wednesday, saying a rule barring ads on trains and buses for "mature" and "adults only" games violates the right ...

Hunting a 'great' shark deterrent

Valuable insights into the performance of commercially available personal shark deterrents have been revealed in Flinders University research.

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