Journalist linked to Anonymous gets five years' prison

A journalist also known as an informal spokesman for the hacker group Anonymous was sentenced to five years in prison Thursday in a case which rallied activists for press freedom, his supporters said.

Singapore urges regional cooperation against hackers

Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong called Thursday for stronger Southeast Asian cooperation against cyber threats after his own website was hacked by critics demanding greater Internet freedom.

Google chairman Eric Schmidt to visit Myanmar

Google chairman Eric Schmidt will visit Myanmar next week, highlighting increasing Internet freedom in the former pariah state just weeks after a controversial trip to communist North Korea.

A rebranding of 'freedom'?

According to recent Gallup polls, socialism is now more popular than capitalism among Democrats and young people, and support for "some form of socialism" among all Americans is at 43% (compared to 25% in 1942). Policies ...

More academic freedom leads to more innovation, reports study

In many countries, scientists have experienced a loss of academic freedom in recent years. This trend has been criticized on the basis of fundamental principles. However, there has been no research to date on whether the ...

Financial Crisis Reduces Economic Freedom in China and the West

( -- The current financial crisis may reduce economic freedom as governments are likely increase intervention in a bid to protect their own economies - according to a study in Pacific Focus published by Wiley-Blackwell. ...

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