First method to differentiate the four egg types

In the European Union, hen eggs are labeled with a code starting with numerals 0, 1, 2 or 3, depending on whether the hens are organically produced, free-range, floor-raised or caged, respectively. Now, researchers at the ...

Fried, steamed or toasted: Here are the best ways to cook insects

For thousands of years people from all over the world have eaten insects. Today about 2.5 billion people – many of whom live in Africa – eat insects. To date, 470 African edible insects have been scientifically recorded, ...

High society wants its fine foods to also be ethical

Truffles and caviar have traditionally been delicacies of the upper class, but a new study by UBC sociology professor Emily Huddart Kennedy and colleagues from the University of Toronto finds that free-range and fair-trade ...

Novel holographic antenna designs and uses

Holographic antennas first studied around 40 years ago are again a hot topic given the potential of holographic images for a variety of applications. EU researchers developed novel prototype devices based on the associated ...

Measurement of 'hot' electrons could have solar energy payoff

( -- Basic scientific curiosity paid off in unexpected ways when Rice University researchers investigating the fundamental physics of nanomaterials discovered a new technology that could dramatically improve solar ...

Free-range chickens are more prone to disease

Chickens kept in litter-based housing systems, including free-range chickens, are more prone to disease than chickens kept in cages, according to a study published in BioMed Central's open access journal Acta Veterinaria ...

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