Electrons seem heavier in extremely thin silicon

For years now, transistors have been getting smaller and smaller. Research conducted by Jan-Laurens van der Steen of the MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology at University of Twente, The Netherlands, has shown that electrons ...

Twitter must give user info in Wikileaks probe (Update)

(AP) -- A federal magistrate ruled Friday that prosecutors can demand Twitter account information of certain users in their criminal probe into the disclosure of classified documents on WikiLeaks.

Experiment reaches biology milestone with hard X-ray laser

Unraveling the molecular basis of life is an age-old quest of humanity. A breakthrough towards this goal was reported in a pair of studies published Feb. 3 in the scientific journal Nature, detailing a new method developed ...

Jefferson Lab laser twinkles in rare color

December is a time for twinkling lights, and scientists at the Department of Energy's Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility are delivering. They've just produced a long-sought, rare color of laser light 100 times ...

Free-Electron Laser goes over the rainbow

Somewhere over the rainbow of visible light is an untapped goldmine of research potential, where energy sources, novel materials and environmental research are possible. That goldmine may soon be open to researchers using ...

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