China web firms vow to curb 'harmful' information

The heads of China's largest Internet and technology firms have vowed to stop the "spread of harmful information" on the web after attending a three-day government workshop, state media said Sunday.

Cyber-fraud tops $93 billion a year in Latin America

Fraud in online commerce and theft of confidential data, known as phishing, at banks in Latin America together top 93 billion dollars in yearly losses, an IT conference heard Wednesday.

Cybercrime networks impacted 1M computer users

(AP) -- Law enforcement officers in the U.S. and seven other nations have seized dozens of computers, servers and bank accounts in an international probe of cybercrime rings responsible for $74 million in losses to more ...

Professor's algorithms unlock Van Gogh mysteries

( -- A Cornell electrical engineering professor is helping art historians do a little detective work by using computing algorithms to identify which of Vincent Van Gogh's paintings came from the same original ...

Internet sleuths get new way to report stolen data

(AP) -- A new program being spearheaded by Microsoft Corp. is designed to provide a trusted way for researchers to report stolen credit card numbers and other data they've found in the dark corners of the Internet.

Polish bank claims Europe's first biometric cash point

Poland's cooperative BPS SA bank claimed Tuesday to be the first in Europe to install a biometric cash point allowing its clients to use their fingertips rather than a bank card to withdraw money.

Failing the sniff test: Researchers find new way to spot fraud

Companies that commit fraud can find innovative ways to fudge the numbers, making it hard to tell something is wrong by just looking at their financial statements. But research from North Carolina State University unveils ...

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