France's Orange adds to iPhone 5 release hype

French mobile network operator Orange has broken the secrecy surrounding Apple's new iPhone 5 through a job advert, despite the US firm's ban on its partners referring to the product before its expected Sptember release.

Air France to power planes with cooking oil

In a giant nod to the growing recycled fuel industry, Air France-KLM has announced that it will start flying planes in September using a blend of kerosene and used cooking oil. More than 200 flights between Paris and Amsterdam ...

French technology upstart challenges Google

(AP) -- France's efforts to digitize its culture, from Marcel Proust's manuscripts to the first films of the legendary Lumiere brothers, long have been bogged down by the country's reluctance to rely on help from American ...

Odd tricyle mapping Paris streets for Google

(AP) -- Parisians and tourists, relax. That goofy looking tricycle equipped with loads of high-tech equipment roaming the streets is NOT some mad scientist's invention on the rampage.

Common GPS could help better track airline flights

(AP) -- Get lost in the woods and a cell phone in your pocket can help camping buddies find you. Drive into a ditch and GPS in your car lets emergency crews pinpoint the crash site. But when a transcontinental flight is ...

Equatorial region known for massive storms

(AP) -- It's the birthplace of some of the world's strongest storms, a nearly continuous band of colliding weather systems near the equator where the Air France jet vanished in the night.

Lightning bolts a risk for modern jets

Passenger jets are hit by lightning every 1,000 hours -- on average twice a year -- and experts say the risk from the bolts of electricity is growing.

Digging up evidence of 400-year-old global trade and wealth

French and Chinese blue glass, Dutch layered glass, Baltic amber: roughly 70,000 beads manufactured all over the world have been excavated at one of the Spanish empire's remotest outposts, the Santa Catalina de Guale Mission. ...

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