France's global nuclear fusion device a puzzle of huge parts

A hugely ambitious project to replicate the energy of the sun is entering a critical phase, as scientists and technicians in southern France begin assembling giant parts of a nuclear fusion device, an international experiment ...

Neandertals were choosy about making bone tools

Evidence continues to mount that the Neandertals, who lived in Europe and Asia until about 40,000 years ago, were more sophisticated people than once thought. A new study from UC Davis shows that Neandertals chose to use ...

Ash dieback is less severe in isolated ash trees

New research published in the British Ecological Society's Journal of Ecology finds that ash dieback is far less severe in the isolated conditions ash is often found in, such as forests with low ash density or in open canopies ...

French unions played key role in protecting workers' mental health

During a three-year organizational restructuring at France Telecom that began in 2007—which called for the downsizing of 22,000 employees, often based on ethically questionable methods—there was a wave of employee suicides. ...

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