Using AI to create new fragrances

Skilled perfumers bring art and science together to design new fragrances, a talent that takes ten or more years to develop. Crafting a fragrance that leaves an impression is one of the most important components a consumer ...

Toward longer-lasting fragrances

Fragrances can be powerful. They can sooth or revitalize, evoke the forest or sea, and remind us of the past. To capture them, manufacturers infuse scents into products from toilet bowl cleaners to luxury perfumes. But once ...

Women and fragrances: Scents and sensitivity

Researchers have sniffed out an unspoken rule among women when it comes to fragrances: Women don't buy perfume for other women, and they certainly don't share them.

Matching the expertise of perfumers to create new scents

From jasmine to sandalwood, the alluring scents of the most luxurious perfumes might seem more art than science, but a new way to analyze them breaks from the tradition of relying only on experts' sense of smell to blend ...

EU bans raft of dangerous chemicals from toys

Childrens' toys need to comply as of Saturday with a new Europe-wide ban on dozens of chemical substances scientists say could trigger cancer, harm fertility or unleash allergies, the European Commission said.

Sustainable way to make a prized fragrance ingredient

Large amounts of a substitute for one of the world's most treasured fragrance ingredients—a substance that also has potential anti-cancer activity—could be produced with a sustainable new technology, scientists are reporting. ...

Frankincense is for life, not just for Christmas

High demand for Frankincense means that many Boswellia papyrifera trees are being over-exploited and populations are at risk of dying out. But help may be on hand as the results of a new study led by Motuma Tolera, which ...

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