Could a meteorite really have killed a bus driver in India?

There is nothing more certain in life than death – a cheerful thought for a dismal February. Even though we are aware of that inevitability, we don't expect death literally to strike out of an empty sky, which reportedly ...

Jays and crows act as ecosystem engineers

A forthcoming Review in The Condor: Ornithological Applications explores how oaks and pines depend on corvids, the group of birds that includes ravens, crows, and jays, to reproduce and spread—and how birds may be the key ...

Into how many pieces does a balloon burst?

A moderately inflated rubber balloon pricked with a needle bursts into two large fragments. However, if you inflate it until it bursts spontaneously, you get dozens of shreds.

In an urban environment, not all vultures are created equal

Not being picky about your food means you can live just about anywhere, and some vultures are good at adapting to landscape fragmentation caused by humans, but new research forthcoming in The Condor: Ornithological Applications ...

Increasing crop resistance to pathogens

We all know that animals have an immune system - but plants have systems to fight infection too. Plant cells have receptor proteins which bind with parts of a pathogen. These receptor proteins are located on the surface of ...

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