Successful dig reveals a nearly complete saber-toothed cat skull

Led by scientists of the Senckenberg Research Institute and the University of Tübingen, the excavation team found the remains of a saber-toothed cat at the archeological site in Schöningen. An examination of the skull fragments ...

Forest 'islands' offer refuge to wintering birds

The polar vortex of 2013 and 2014 brought the coldest winter many parts of the Midwest had experienced in decades. In Dane County, Wisconsin, it was the coldest it had been in 35 years.

Good news and bad news about forest fragmentation

Over the past centuries, as we humans have cleared fields for farms, built roads and highways, and expanded cities ever outward, we've been cutting down trees. Since 1850, we've reduced global forest cover by one-third. We've ...

Microseeding: A new way to overcome hemihedral twinning?

Twinning is a crystal-growth disorder in which the specimen is composed of distinct domains whose orientations differ but are related in a particular, well-defined way. Twinning, which is a known problem in protein crystallography, ...

Life on the edge is dangerous

Intensive farming, sprawling towns, a dense road network – the modern world leaves less and less space for animals and plants. They are forced back into shrinking refuges, which are ever further apart. But not all react ...

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