Tree cover helps gray foxes coexist with coyotes in the country

As coyotes have spread outside their native range into the eastern United States, they've been known to harass and kill North Carolina's two native species of fox. A new study finds that preserving tree cover may be essential ...

Southeast's gray foxes may be struggling for survival

For generations, gray foxes have been part of the Southeastern landscape. They, along with red foxes, are among the carnivores that dine on a range of smaller animals, plants and berries.

'Alien' plants could pose risk to fruit bats

Led by the University of Sydney, a scientific team has analyzed the nutritional content of Christmas Island flying foxes' diets and found that introduced plant species do not provide a balanced meal.

Red fox displaces Arctic fox thanks to littering

Animal species that are at home in the high mountains are finding their habitats reduced and fragmented by roads. In addition, they face competition from scavengers from lower boreal areas that find their way to the mountains.

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