Chemical analysis demonstrates communal nesting in dinosaurs

The reproductive behaviors of birds are some of their most conspicuous and endearing qualities. From the colorful mating display of some birds, like peacocks, to the building of nests by nearly all birds, these are the characters ...

New Cretaceous fossil sheds light on avian reproduction

A team of scientists led by Alida Bailleul and Jingmai O'Connor from the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology (IVPP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences reported the first fossil bird ever found with ...

Four dinosaur egg species identified in Lleida

A study headed by the Miquel Crusafont Catalan Palaeontology Institute has for the first time documented detailed records of dinosaur egg fossils in the Coll de Nargó archaeological site in Lleida, Spain. Up until now, only ...

International team unearths oldest-ever reptile embryos

Dating back 280 million years or so, the oldest known fossil reptile embryos have been unearthed in Uruguay and Brazil. They belong to the ancient aquatic reptiles, mesosaurs. The study of these exceptionally well-preserved ...

Smuggled dinosaur eggs returned to Romania

Three unique dwarf dinosaur eggs that were stolen and smuggled to Italy, were returned to Romania on Wednesday, the interior ministry said.

Four dinosaur eggs identified in Coll de Nargo

The journal Cretaceous Research is publishing an article which recognizes four different dinosaur eggs (oospecies) in the Coll de Nargó area (Lleida Province, south-central Pyrenees). The research proves the coexistence ...

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