Best evidence yet that dinosaurs used feathers for courtship

A University of Alberta researcher's examination of fossilized dinosaur tail bones has led to a breakthrough finding: some feathered dinosaurs used tail plumage to attract mates, much like modern-day peacocks and turkeys.

In Brazil's pampas, a Triassic Park once flourished

Millions of years before the arrival of the mighty Tyrannosaurus rex, another fearsome dinosaur—the Gnathovorax—roamed what is now southern Brazil, ripping apart its prey with sharp teeth.

How mass extinctions drove the evolution of dinosaurs

For 20 privileged Victorians, Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkins held a lavish New Year's dinner party in 1853 inside a model of a dinosaur that was created for the Great Exhibition held two years earlier. Hawkins's models, which ...

Mummified dinosaur skin yields up new secrets

( -- Scientists from The University of Manchester have identified preserved organic molecules in the skin of a dinosaur that died around 66-million years ago.

Can we really tell male and female dinosaurs apart?

Scientists worldwide have long debated our ability to identify male and female dinosaurs. Now, research led by Queen Mary University of London has shown that despite previous claims of success, it's very difficult to spot ...

Duck-billed dinosaur may be one of many at Missouri site

Finding the fossils of a large duck-billed dinosaur in southern Missouri is exciting enough, but a paleontologist who helped lead the dig believes there are many more in the same area.

Prehistoric crocodile fossil discovered in New Mexico

Jurassic dinosaur fossils were first found in New Mexico more than 100 years ago. Now a crocodile fossil has been discovered in New Mexico's Jurassic rocks. The fossil was discovered in September of 2018 by hikers in the ...

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