New details of Tully monster revealed

For more than half a century, the Tully monster (Tullimonstrum gregarium), an enigmatic animal that lived about 300 million years ago, has confounded paleontologists, with its strange anatomy making it difficult to classify. ...

How birds got their wings

Modern birds capable of flight all have a specialized wing structure called the propatagium without which they could not fly. The evolutionary origin of this structure has remained a mystery, but new research suggests it ...

Museum scientists describe and name 351 new species in 2022

From research trips to remote locations, to combing through the 80 million objects held in the Museum collections, each year scientists are adding to this extensive library of life. While many of these species will already ...

Dinosaur 'mummies' might not be as unusual as we think

A process of desiccation and deflation explains why dinosaur "mummies" aren't as exceptional as we might expect, according to a study published October 12, 2022 in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by Stephanie Drumheller ...

Africa's oldest dinosaur found in Zimbabwe

Scientists in Zimbabwe have discovered the remains of Africa's oldest dinosaur, which roamed the earth around 230 million years ago.

High-tech tools reveal opalized fossil skeleton

Paleontologists from Flinders University are using a micro-CT scanner and 3D printing to reconstruct a small dinosaur preserved as opal for more than 100 million years in white sandstone rocks.

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