A bone cancer tumor more than 215 million years old

More than 215 million years ago, a large amphibian species lived in floodplains in southwestern Poland: Metoposaurus krasiejowensis. On one of these fossils, Polish and American scientists, with the participation of researchers ...

Messel boa: Live birth in a 47-million-year-old snake

An Argentine-German team of scientists, including Senckenberg's Krister Smith, has discovered the world's first fossil evidence of live birth in snakes. The fossil they examined came from the Hessian UNESCO World Heritage ...

What fossils reveal about hybridization of early humans

Many people living today have a small component of Neanderthal DNA in their genes, suggesting an important role for admixture with archaic human lineages in the evolution of our species. Paleogenetic evidence indicates that ...

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