Curators squeezed out by high dino bones price tag

This week the largest triceratops skeleton ever unearthed goes up for auction in Paris—but museum curators like Francis Duranthon can only dream of getting their hands on such a prize.

Novel ancient shark discovered

This rare fossil find comes from the Kimmeridge Clay Formation in England, a series of sedimentary rocks that was formed in a shallow, tropical-subtropical sea during the Upper Jurassic, about 150 million years ago. The fossil ...

Microscope helps with dinosaur puzzle

Fossil sites sometimes resemble a living room table on which half a dozen different jigsaw puzzles have been dumped: It is often difficult to say which bone belongs to which animal. Together with colleagues from Switzerland, ...

Coral skeleton crystals record ocean acidification

The acidification of the oceans is recorded in the crystals of coral skeletons. This is a new tool for studying past environmental changes and combating climate change. Such is the main conclusion of a study led by the Spanish ...

Iguana-sized dinosaur cousin discovered in Antarctica

250 million years ago, it was covered in forests and rivers, and the temperature rarely dipped below freezing. It was also home to diverse wildlife, including early relatives of the dinosaurs. Scientists have just discovered ...

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