Plant making gas from wood opens in Austria

A new plant that produces gas from wood was opened in Austria on Wednesday, paving the way towards new possibilities in renewable energy.

When palm trees gave way to spruce trees

For climatologists, part of the challenge in predicting the future is figuring out exactly what happened during previous periods of global climate change.

Peruvian stalagmites a new basis for 'Inconvenient truth'?

Will the Netherlands that is dominated by water succumb to the 'Inconvenient Truth' predicted by Al Gore? Dutch researcher Martin van Breukelen analysed stalagmites from the South American Amazon tributaries in Peru. He used ...

'Unabated': a word to split the world at COP28

The outcome of the most important climate negotiations in years could rest on the ambiguity surrounding one linchpin term, according to experts: "unabated fossil fuels".

Clean energy innovation or illusion? JETP climate funds

They were billed as an ingenious new way of helping developing countries ditch planet-polluting coal, promising an injection of billions from wealthy governments looking for new ways to tackle carbon emissions.

Climate experts warn of fossil fuel tactics at COP28

Oil-rich Gulf states have positioned themselves as both champions of climate innovation and guardians of fossil fuel interests—a balancing act experts warn could derail action at COP28 in Dubai.

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