Ancient forest fire gives clues to dinosaurs final days

Researchers at McGill University have excavated the first fossil evidence of forest fire ecology, revealing forests still recover from wildfires the same way today as they did during the reign of the dinosaurs.

Japan 'plans carbon offset scheme with India'

Japan is set to offer India a carbon offset scheme that would see Tokyo's environmental technology used by the rising Asian giant to help reduce its emissions, a report said.

New materials for capturing carbon dioxide from combustion gases

( —Carbon dioxide is both a culprit in global warming and also responsible for keeping the Earth warm enough to support life as we know it. It is odorless and colorless, often represented by a smokestack plume ...

Million suns shed light on fossilized plant

Scientists have used one of the brightest lights in the Universe to expose the biochemical structure of a 50 million-year-old fossil plant to stunning visual effect.

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