It turns out, this plant fossil is really a baby turtle fossil

From the 1950s to the 1970s, a Colombian priest named Padre Gustavo Huertas collected rocks and fossils near a town called Villa de Levya. Two of the specimens he found were small, round rocks patterned with lines that looked ...

'Unabated': a word to split the world at COP28

The outcome of the most important climate negotiations in years could rest on the ambiguity surrounding one linchpin term, according to experts: "unabated fossil fuels".

Clean energy innovation or illusion? JETP climate funds

They were billed as an ingenious new way of helping developing countries ditch planet-polluting coal, promising an injection of billions from wealthy governments looking for new ways to tackle carbon emissions.

UAE to pump CO2 into rock as carbon capture debate rages

High in remote mountains in the oil-rich United Arab Emirates, a new plant will soon take atmospheric CO2 and pump it into rock—part of controversial attempts to target planet-heating emissions without abandoning fossil ...

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