ITER panel votes to postpone non-vital physics work

( —Nature is reporting that a panel of experts and International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) staff has announced that non-essential physics work and other experimental studies being conducted as part ...

Nature's distress call is getting louder, new report shows

Governments will gather today in Stockholm to start considering the final text for the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Working Group 1 report, widely expected to highlight the drivers of climate change.

Climate report struggles with temperature quirks (Update)

Scientists working on a landmark U.N. report on climate change are struggling over how to address a wrinkle in the meteorological data that has given ammunition to global-warming skeptics: The heating of Earth's surface appears ...

Clean energy least costly to power America's electricity needs

It's less costly to get electricity from wind turbines and solar panels than coal-fired power plants when climate change costs and other health impacts are factored in, according to a new study published in Springer's Journal ...

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