Land-based climate plans 'unrealistic': report

The world needs to set aside an area bigger than the United States for tree planting and other measures to meet climate pledges, according to research published Tuesday that warned against "unrealistic" carbon-cutting plans.

Nature restoration no substitute for cutting fossil fuels

Restoring degraded environments, such as by planting trees, is often touted as a solution to the climate crisis. But our new research shows this, while important, is no substitute for preventing fossil fuel emissions to limit ...

Smoke from wildfires ages in the atmosphere

Emissions, like smoke from wildfires and exhaust from vehicles, go through chemical changes when they enter the atmosphere. New research from the University of Georgia shows, for the first time, that these changes may affect ...

Acceleration of global warming 'code red' for humanity

We ignored the warnings, and now it's too late: global heating has arrived with a vengeance and will see Earth's average temperature reach 1.5 degrees Celsius above preindustrial levels around 2030, a decade earlier than ...

Fossil forests under Antarctic ice

In around 1833 the first specimens of fossilized wood from Antarctica were reported by surgeon, naturalist and artist James Eights.

Researchers discover 16 million-year-old bat fossil

A new species of bat that is 16 million years old has been discovered by an international group that includes University of Valencia lecturers Francisco J. Ruiz Sánchez and Plini Montoya. The finding was made at the palaeontologic ...

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