New study identifies ancient shark ancestors

New research based on x-ray imaging provides the strongest evidence to date that sharks arose from a group of bony fishes called acanthodians. Analyzing an extraordinarily well-preserved fossil of an ancient sharklike fish, ...

How vision may have driven fishes onto land

About 375 million years ago, certain fishes had developed powerfully strong paired fins that were capable of transporting them out of the water and onto land.

Ancient fish illuminates one of the mysteries of childhood

Remember dropping your milk teeth? After a lot of wiggling the tooth finally dropped out. But in your hand was only the enamel-covered crown: the entire root of the tooth had somehow disappeared. In a paper published in Nature, ...

Veggievore fish of the Triassic

Fish have a bit of a boring reputation among many vertebrate paleontologists–too many bones, too hard to identify, not as charismatic as dinosaurs, etc., etc. But, this is entirely undeserved (and I say that as a dinosaur ...

Finding Nemo, Paleozoic style

As the parent of a three-year-old, I am quite familiar with the animated film Finding Nemo. These adventures of the young clownfish Nemo are of course heavily fictionalized, but the movie does present a biological reality: ...

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