Pandemic delays gender parity by a generation: WEF

The pandemic has rolled back years of progress towards equality between men and women, according to a report released Wednesday showing the crisis had added decades to the trajectory towards closing the gender gap.

Why women leaders are excelling during the coronavirus pandemic

Since the beginning of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, there's been a lot of media attention paid to the relationship between female leaders at the helm of various nations and the effectiveness of their handling of the ...

Slavery is not a crime in almost half the countries of the world

"Slavery is illegal everywhere." So said the New York Times, repeated at the World Economic Forum, and used as a mantra of advocacy for over 40 years. The truth of this statement has been taken for granted for decades. Yet ...

Greta Thunberg says the climate debate is slowly shifting

A year after starting a school strike that made her a figurehead for the fight against global warming, Greta Thunberg believes her uncompromising message is getting through—even if action remains thin on the ground.

The role of digital technologies in mobilizing the alt-right

In "Misogynistic Men Online: How the Red Pill Helped Elect Trump," published in Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, Pierce Alexander Dignam and Deana A. Rohlinger examine the transformation of online alt-right ...

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