Intel workers have Android Jelly Bean on Atom phones

(—Intel watchers by now understand the quick version of Intel's to-do list: Join and grow up in smartphone market universe, fire up Ultrabooks and, by both means, show better profit outlook. Intel needs to become ...

Playing a video game using thoughts

The start-up MindMaze has opened up a new dimension in the world of video games: moving with thoughts through a virtual environment or even directly interacting through certain emotions. Introduced earlier this month at the ...

Robolution—it's about human skills, not just technology

The presence of robots in industry and beyond – factories are far from the only place where machines play a key role – is anything but new. In a July 2017 article written for the World Economic Forum, Jeff Morgan of Trinity ...

Information overload fuels 'fake news': study

"Fake news" has become a troubling phenomenon, allegedly used to manipulate voters and fuel a rise in global populism. In one case, it inspired a man to shoot up a Washington pizzeria.

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