Tackling antimicrobial resistance

Researchers from Newcastle University, and colleagues from Spain, Canada and Egypt, have successfully trialed two new qPCR assays to help detect the presence of transmissible AMR using water and wastewater samples. Publishing ...

Digitalization found to be an important climate tool

Carbon emissions from the internet are on a par with emissions from the aerospace industry, but at the same time digital technologies are crucial to winning the battle against climate change.

How idea sharing increases online-learner engagement

Sharing ideas in an online learning environment has a distinct advantage over sharing personal details in driving learner engagement in massive open online courses, more commonly known as MOOCs, says new research co-written ...

Pandemic delays gender parity by a generation: WEF

The pandemic has rolled back years of progress towards equality between men and women, according to a report released Wednesday showing the crisis had added decades to the trajectory towards closing the gender gap.

Study: COVID speeds up human vs machine standoff over work

As automation and online work gain ground, organizers of the annual Davos forum are projecting employers will split work equally between machines and people by 2025, with the coronavirus pandemic accelerating changes in the ...

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