Electromagnetic fields as cutting tools

(PhysOrg.com) -- The bodywork on motor vehicles must be sufficiently stable, but processing the high-strength steels involved -- for example punching holes in them -- can prove something of a challenge. A new steel-cutting ...

The medicine of the future could be artificial life forms

Creating artificial life is a recurring theme in both science and popular literature, where it conjures images of creeping slime creatures with malevolent intentions, or super-cute designer pets. At the same time, the question ...

Team accelerates commercialization of foam forming technology

Foam forming technology offers companies major cost saving possibilities in paper and paperboard manufacturing. It also expands the use of natural fibres in the production of recyclable and lightweight products. Some products ...

Hot embossing glass -- to the nearest micrometer

The lens is what matters: if lens arrays could be made of glass, it would be possible to make more conveniently sized projectors. Fraunhofer researchers have now developed a process that allows this key component to be mass ...

Using less gas and oil to get where you're going

A quick pit-stop at the gas station is enough to put a good dent in your wallet. New technology is set to lower the high cost of filling up your car, by enabling combustion engines to consume two to three percent less gas ...

An alliance formed by design and technology

Designers love state-of-the-art production technologies. This is the story of how a young designer worked with researchers from Fraunhofer to manufacture the Hydra steel tube chair. This chair is not only lightweight, but ...

Less friction loss in combustion engines

Researchers have developed a method that can reduce engine friction and wear even during production of engine components. Special coatings can help to reduce fuel consumption and CO2 emissions.

Cost-effective titanium forming

Titanium is a material that offers excellent properties; however, it is costly and time-consuming to form. Fraunhofer researchers are now giving this multi-purpose metal another chance.

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