The world's cleanest water droplet

In nature, there is no such thing as a truly clean surface. Contact with normal air is sufficient to coat any material with a thin layer of molecules. This "molecular dirt" can change the properties of the material considerably, ...

Crazy ants dominate fire ants by neutralizing their venom

Invasive "crazy ants" are rapidly displacing fire ants in areas across the southeastern U.S. by secreting a compound that neutralizes fire ant venom, according to a University of Texas at Austin study published this week ...

Researchers make alcohol out of thin air

It may sound too good to be true, but TU Delft PhD student Ming Ma has found a way to produce alcohol out of thin air. Or to be more precise, he has found how to effectively and precisely control the process of electroreduction ...

Webb finds ethanol and other icy ingredients for new worlds

An international team of astronomers using the NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope have discovered a variety of molecules, ranging from relatively simple ones like methane to complex compounds like acetic acid and ethanol, ...

Formic acid in the engine (w/ Video)

( -- Do ants hold the key to the fuel of the future? Formic acid provides more efficient and safer storage of hydrogen. It is an ideal way to store energy from renewable sources or to power 21st century cars.

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