Unearthing the impact of moisture on soil carbon processes

The ground below your feet contains some 2,500 gigatons of carbon, approximately three times the amount of carbon held in our atmosphere and four times more than is stored in every living thing—trees, ants, whales, and ...

Improving wildfire predictions with soil science

Severe wildfires have become annual events in the United States. The years 2020 and 2021 were the worst in wildfire history in California. Other states—and countries—are at risk as well. Climate change is making wildfires ...

Reconciling coastal protection and water management

A quiet but constant crackling is in the air. It sounds like bubbles in a fizzy drink and accompanies anyone who walks along the wooden footbridge that crosses the Langwarder Groden, between the main dyke line and the summer ...

How do tidal marshes store carbon?

Tidal marshes are wetlands that are covered with incoming tidal water twice a day. These marshes may be as small as narrow fringe along a tidal creek or miles across in estuaries with adjacent flat landscapes. There are nearly ...

Policy changes could make charcoal more sustainable

Eclipsed by energy sources such as gas and electricity, charcoal is often left out of contemporary discussions about the global energy transition. It's a resource that some manufacturing processes, such as steel and silicon ...

Protected areas buffer climate change for biodiversity

Climate change is emerging as a top threat to biodiversity according to the latest Global Assessment Report on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. Plant and animal species face greater risks of thermal stress as climate ...

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