Humans' construction 'footprint' on ocean quantified for first time

In a world-first, the extent of human development in oceans has been mapped. An area totalling approximately 30,000 square kilometres—the equivalent of 0.008 percent of the ocean—has been modified by human construction, ...

Spain wilts in driest winter for 70 years

February is barely past but already Spanish farmers are on drought alert as reservoirs shrink, crops wilt and brush fires crackle after the country's driest winter in 70 years.

Mushrooms serve as 'main character' in most ecosystems

A team of Western mycologists (fungi experts) spent the past two summers digging deep in Newfoundland dirt to investigate the might of mushrooms and found what lies beneath truly is 'the main character' in most terrestrial ...

Antibiotic resistant bacteria proliferate in agricultural soils

Infectious diseases kill roughly 13 million people worldwide, annually, a toll that continues to rise, aided and abetted by resistance genes. Now a study, published in the March Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy finds ...

Fires not the only threat facing Amazon

Raging wildfires have drawn the world's attention to the Amazon but immolation is just one of the dangers facing the world's largest rain forest, environmental experts across the region say.

Chimps self-medicate under human pressure

Chimpanzees living in small fragments of forest close by people and farm animals are turning in increasing numbers to natural remedies in an effort to deal with their stressful and disease-prone existence, a new study suggests.

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