Explosion illuminates invisible galaxy in the dark ages

(Phys.org) —More than 12 billion years ago a star exploded, ripping itself apart and blasting its remains outward in twin jets at nearly the speed of light. At its death it glowed so brightly that it outshone its entire ...

The 'Magic' of Tin

(PhysOrg.com) -- The metal tin lacks the value and prestige of gold, silver, and platinum -- but to nuclear physicists, tin is magic.

New hand bacteria study holds promise for forensics identification

Forensic scientists may soon have a valuable new item in their toolkits -- a way to identify individuals using unique, telltale types of hand bacteria left behind on objects like keyboards and computer mice, says a new University ...

Roman era York may have been more diverse than today

(PhysOrg.com) -- A new archaeological study in Britain has shown that its multi-cultural nature is not a new phenomenon, but that even in Roman times there was a strong African influence, with North Africans moving in high ...

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